Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 9 - YouTube

I really like this website. I had fun watching the various videos but I must say it's rather addictive. I added the Seinfeld clip about Jerry and the New York Public Library police officer, Mr. Bookman. It's just classic Seinfeld and manages to produce quite a chuckle over how the public often view the library with all of it's rules and regulations.
I also emailed one of my sons a video on prize winning aquariums which inspired a discussion on which of the many things we would like to add to ours. The YouTube site is really user friendly. Even I could figure out how to do most things. I can see how the library could use videos to create an interest in its website, whether it would be something already cleverly made like the Seinfeld clip or one that the library produced themselves. People like visuals and they like to be entertained. Besides storytimes and book reviews we could add an infomercial showing upcoming programs. I'm sure there are many other interesting things we could add too.

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